
Rabu, Juli 22, 2015

T _ I _ M _ E !!!

Alright,, need to take deep breath to remember and start open this stories…hhhhhh…fffiiiuuuhhh….

But it must,,yes it is a must, open this old hurts, treat it until fully recovered.  This is my promise to my self own.

When I was 20th  years old, something that I scared about that, faced the condition and the changes happened, my parents was divorced, with complicated reasons, that I can’t tell here, which definitely makes my heart shattered. I thought I don’t have any change to be happy anymore, I thought my life is over, yes,,, everything is over.

But when I remembered my Mom, and My three young sisters, I must get up and try to be strong for them, because I am the oldest one, I must be strong…SEMANGAT KAKAAA…

It’s very difficult to adapt, in every day of Eid Mubarak I felt so different, I need my family completely ,, ya Allah ~ tear ~ New conditions always came to me from year to year. And once more adaptation,,you need to be strong,,face it ~ hhhhhhhhhh ~  while asking why all this things happened to me.

Until I got married, when I was 24th years old. My husband from the beginning until now always be patient person, always receive my family, however our situations. I learn about this life, from him, from his family, from others, to open my heart, expands my heart to receive all destiny that has been outlined for me, to be a better person.

Yes,,Yes,,Yes… I need to be a better person, year to year, I always expand my heart, Because I know Allah SWT know everything which is the best for us. And the time help to treat this hurts little by little.

 ~ I can adapt new conditions, new stories, and all the changes in my life… Alhamdulillah ya Allah…Just positive thinking sahabattt J, Allah always know the best for us ~

I love my family.. I miss our time together... ~ tear ~

(bukan sedih menyesali, melainkan terharu coz I know I can face all changes in my life )

Selasa, Juli 14, 2015

All About Abyan Part II

Semakin hari semakin pintar, murah senyum, ceria….

Kesayangan Bunda ini selalu buat Bunda kangennnn

We love you so much :-*

Tumbuhlah menjadi anak yang sehat, anak yang shalih, jujur, dan baik budi

Doa kami selalu bersamamu sayang

#Peluk cium

Katanya Abyan ini pusing pala barbie...xixixii

Klo yang ini pose apa Deee... ??? 

                                                            Yang ini kepala botak yaaa...

                                                           Xixixixii..manisnyaa Abyankuu